The reasons for our success

Induction technology is used in the catering and hotel sector thanks to MENU SYSTEM AG’s pioneering role. In the early 1980s, our management team recognised the benefits of what was then revolutionary technology:

  • unheard of economic viability
  • rational cooking
  • safe working
  • ecologically sound

MENU SYSTEM is the undisputed quality and market leader in customised induction cooking suites in Europe. The company’s three areas of specialism make it unique:

  1. Concentration on induction technology
    MENU SYSTEM only supplies its customers with induction cooking suites. It does not sell gas cookers or conventional electric cookers.
  2. Concentration on building cookers
    MENU SYSTEM is a specialist in cooking suites and intentionally does not involve in general kitchen constructions. The company has more than 20 years of experience in real-life cooker construction, ensuring that customers can enjoy optimum functionality.
  3. Concentration on customised production
    The company has taken a conscious decision not to manufacture volume production cookers. Every cooker is designed and individually manufactured by Menu System in line with the customer’s wishes.

MENU SYSTEM is rightly considered to be the “Mercedes of cooking suites”. The list of references shows that MENU SYSTEM is the preferred brand of Europe’s top chefs. MENU SYSTEM combines a positive quality image with strong innovations.